Why study with Warner Institute?

Our Whole Person Learning Model

Our point of difference is that we are as committed to you, as you are to your clients and community.

Our Whole Person Learning Model enables you to explore your emotional intelligence; enhances resilience, whilst you apply your learning to maximise outcomes.

Throughout your course, you’ll get to know yourself, so you’ll better understand, communicate and connect with your clients and others.


Here's what some of our student's think!

"It kept me engaged and there was plenty of opportunity to interact."
"Looking at ways people communicate and talk to others and how much it plays a factor on staff residents and clients, showed us the difference language and communication can make
in the work place."
"I made great relationships with my classmates and my trainer and gained an immense amount of knowledge to help me in my work life."

Our Student Support Team Motivates Students

Our Student Support Team monitors the success of each student and works closely with the Course Manager to ensure that the right support is provided.

This commences with our best practice approach to Suitable & Appropriate assessment where the Course Manager is involved in this process; this is evidenced throughout the course through to completion.

Lead, Education Experience & Wellbeing will become involved with the student to provide additional support over and above that already provided by the Course Manager.

They will collaborate with your organisation and the student as required.

Multi-level Support is Built In

Our Whole Person Classroom includes:
  • Delivery incorporating the Warner Institute Whole Person workshop approach.
  • All materials required are provided, including Carry bag, folder, pen, sticky notes, name tags, references and extra learning tools.
  • Emotional Intelligence & resilience tool kit.
  • Mindfulness & Meditation activity.
  • Stretching & desk yoga activity.
  • Creative thinking approaches.
  • Study playlists.
  • Coaching Days embedded within the course.
Extra Support to Overcome Barriers:
  • Back to Study Support and Ongoing student monitoring as required.
  • Individual Learning Plans as a student’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) levels required.
  • Catch-up Sessions as required.
  • “Stick With It” support by Course Managers & Lead, Education Experience & Wellbeing.
Workplace Improvements Achieved by:
  • Take-Away workplace “to-do” regarding how a service is delivered.
  • 3-Way ‘Hitting the Target’ meeting, including Student’s Supervisor (In-house Corporate Courses)
  • Cluster News to the Student’s Supervisor after each cluster so they know what they are learning.
Placement & Ensuring Job Readiness:
  • Placement organised by Warner Institute specialist.
  • Placement uniform polo shirts are provided at no charge for placement students, together with a “Student Name” lanyard.
  • Placement & Job readiness evaluation & preparation is undertaken.
Graduation Celebration:
  • Graduation Ceremony complete with gowns, sash & mortar boards.
  • Students will be presented with a framed certificate.
  • Student Guests and Management encouraged to attend.